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Welcome Green Spark Solutions ltd.

Green Spark Solutions Ltd (GSSL) specialises in helping poor communities, households for sustainability through Improve Cookstove Distributions, LED Bulbs Distributions, Solar Roof Distribution, NBS and Environmental Awareness in Bangladesh. And also helping organisations/companies offset carbon footprint and lower greenhouse gas emissions through carbon credits and I-RECs in around the world. As the environmental awareness developing, we also expanding into the voluntary carbon project developments, carbon offsetting and Renewable Energy Certificate markets with communities.

What We Do

GSSL core business is in developing, marketing and supplying carbon offsets and RECs developed from various technologies such as solar, biomass, energy efficiency, Improve Cookstove, LED Bulbs, NBS and others. We help each carbon project maximise its financial potential, as well as help businesses and organizations reduce their carbon footprints in a timely and cost-effective manner.